We’re happy to announce that we now have an in-spa RN as our Injection Specialist. Tim Francis has joined our team to offer facial injections and fillers to our clients in Farmington, Missouri and surrounding areas.
Tim has been in nursing for 14 years and has a goal to help people feel comfortable in their own skin. Whether you are a younger person looking to prevent fine lines and wrinkles or someone who just wants to have the rested and refreshed look we all had in our younger years, we are happy to offer these treatment options for you.
Tim will be using the neuromodulator Xeomin. With a slower onset than Botox, these injections allow for a more natural feel. You will still be able to have slight movement in the injection site for expressions and not frozen face. But it will not be enough to crease the skin.
However, if you’d like a more completely frozen effect on the muscles, we can do that too.
In the future, Tim will also be performing fillers for many different areas: Lips, jawline, cheeks, and deep-set wrinkles. He will also be adding IV therapy later this spring.
If you’re interested in booking an appointment with Tim, CALL OR TEXT 573-430-4146